Data and Performance
How do we ensure your child is receiving the very best education possible?
As a new academy school, we have not yet been inspected by Ofsted and MANY changes have occurred since the last inspection in January 2017, which can be viewed here.
We have a robust self-evaluation system in place and constantly strive for excellence.
Our staff are highly motivated in making our school a hub for learning where all children are able to achieve.
How do we self evaluate?
Child Centred Plans
Data Analysis
Observation of Teaching & Learning
Peer to Peer Coaching
Work Scrutiny
Pupil Progress Meetings
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Our School Improvement Goals
To develop outstanding behaviour for learning
To refine our curriculum design
To fully embed English Mastery
To fully embed Maths Mastery
What this looks like in the classroom
A minimum of "Good" teaching throughout the school
Quality resources
Consistency in all areas
Outward thinking learning themes
Good attainment
Good progress
Parent/Carer and school collaboration
Examples of both our learning values and Christian values in action
Children being Ready, Respectful, Safe
2018-2019 Data Headlines
End of Key Stage 2
Writing: 90.1% of children reached Age-Related Expectation, 18.2% of whom achieved Greater Depth
Reading: 100% of children reached Age-Related Expectation, 63.6% of whom achieved Greater Depth
Maths: 90.1% of children reached Age-Related Expectation, 18.2% of whom achieved Greater Depth
SPaG: 90.1% of children reached Age-Related Expectation, 45.5% of whom achieved Greater Depth
Our Vision
It is our aim for all children to leave Kiveton Park Meadows as well-rounded, happy individuals who not only care about themselves, but about others and the environment. We want them to be outward facing, educated citizens within their own community and on a wider global scale.
This vision is encapsulated in our school motto:
Curriculum Design
At Kiveton Park Meadows Junior School, together with Dimensions, we have designed and implemented a curriculum that is both immersive and progressive. We use a carefully planned model, with both breadth and depth, that is highly relevant and purposeful, exciting for both staff and pupils and that truly broadens pupils’ outlook and views by promoting global dimensions, as well as raising aspirations.
We aim to offer challenging and inspiring learning opportunities, highlighting human creativity and achievement. We strive to help our pupils realise the full potential they have to achieve and succeed, not just at school, but through life.
We have developed a curriculum that takes full advantage of the school environment and range of resources available to us.
The curriculum is designed to develop our school as a learning community, where everyone can apply their knowledge and skills appropriately.
Curriculum Drivers
Our curriculum is underpinned by four highly relevant world issues, known as the four Cs:-
We also encourage our pupils to have high aspirations by teaching them about human creativity and achievement through additional Competency Units about famous figures that focus on our school values:-


