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Welcome to Nabongo Class

Named after Jessica Nabongo, the first Black woman documented to have visited every country in the world. Like Jessica, we are adventurers who are keen to learn more about the world through our learning. 


Mr Kitchen
Class Teacher


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Mrs Thackery 
Teaching Assistant


What will we be learning this year?


Autumn Term - Lightning Speed, Saxon King, Law and Order

We start our year with our communication driver. In Lightning Speed, we learn about the history of the wold wide web.

Next we move on to Saxon King: the story of Harold Godwinson.

Finally, we look at the conflict driver in our Law and Order theme, where we explore rules and rights. 

Spring Term - May the Force Be With You, Cry Freedom, Viking Warrior 

The first focus of the Spring term is May the Force Be With You, a science project on magnets and forces.  

Our culture theme is Cry Freedom, which looks at slavery throughout history.  

Viking Warrior is the story of the Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking sea lord.   

Summer Term - Picture Our Planet, Window on the World 

Picture Our Planet is a conservation theme. Learning is centred around three contrasting localities:- Brazil, Scotland and Fiji.  

Window on the World  also has a geography focus , looking at settlements and land use, before moving on to learning about trade links. 

We can't wait to share our learning with you! Keep an eye on ClassDojo for updates. 

Our PE days this term are Thursdays and Fridays. Please remember to come in your PE kit(including outdoor trainers), to tape up earrings if you wear them and a bobble for long hair. We do PE in most weathers (don't worry, we do stop when it gets too rainy, but not if it's cold) so please dress accordingly. 

Recent Work

Useful Documents

Curriculum Newsletter

That's All Folks

Curriculum Newsletter

Come Fly With Me Africa



That's All Folks



Come Fly With Me Africa



Lindow Man



Henri Dunant

Curriculum Newsletter

Athens v Sparta

Curriculum Newsletter

Under the Canopy



Athens v Sparta



Under the Canopy



Rocky the Findosaur



Out and About

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