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​At Kiveton Park Meadows Junior School, we  believe that every child deserves to grow and learn in an environment where they feel safe, supported, and valued. Our safeguarding philosophy is built upon the principles of vigilance, open communication, and collaboration with parents, staff, and the wider community.


Dedicated Safeguarding Team:

Our safeguarding team works diligently to implement and monitor safeguarding policies and procedures, staying abreast of the latest developments in child protection.

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Mrs Carr
Designated Safeguarding Lead



Mr Horton
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Mrs Pacheco
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr Pacheco
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Miss Fretwell
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


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Mrs Bacon
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Our school maintains a comprehensive set of safeguarding policies and procedures that are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect best practices. These documents cover a wide range of areas, including but not limited to child protection, online safety, and procedures for reporting concerns.

Key Documents and Guidance 



Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead

Anti-Radicalisation and Prevent Duty

Online Safety Policy

Online Safety Community Booklet

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Child Sexual Exploitation

The Prevent Duty


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023




Keeping Children Safe Online 

Domestic Abuse Support Agencies

Operation Encompass





Real Love


Open Communication

We actively encourage open communication between all members of our school community. Parents, carers, staff, and students alike are encouraged to speak up if they have any concerns related to the well-being of our pupils. Our commitment to transparent communication ensures that potential issues are addressed promptly and effectively.


If you have a concern that a child is being abused, speak with one of the safeguarding team immediately. 

If you are unable to contact a member of the team, please call Rotherham MASH:  01709 336080  

Capture, who's looking after the children? | FT Film Standpoint

A Financial Times drama starring Jodie Whittaker (Dr Who), Paul Ready (Motherland), Shaniqua Okwok (It's a Sin), looks at online harm, regulation and responsibility. The search for their missing son leads a mother and father to a tech company, and a digital gatekeeper who seems to have all the answers.

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